Relaxation exercises for headaches

Relaxation exercises for headaches

More and more burdensome factors influence us and our everyday life. The end result of stress, pressure and a busy schedule: headache! The question of what you can do about it is not easy to answer, because the pain therapy is individually…

How long can I use the nasal spray?

How long can I use the nasal spray?

In the cold season, it is often very fast: As soon as a colleague whistles, you need a handkerchief soon after. The main cause of the rapid transmission of viruses and bacteria is contact via the hands – either directly or indirectly….

Tea Powder strengthens the body's defenses

Tea Powder strengthens the body's defenses

Gwyneth Paltrow, Liv Tyler and Meg Ryan have long sworn by Matchatee, the green tea in powder form. But what exactly is so special about this powder that you hear so much about? "It's about 100 percent pure tea," says Thomas GrГ¶mer,…

7 tips against coughing

7 tips against coughing

Proper humidity. The ups and downs of coughing. Especially important is the bedroom: Here is a value between 45 and 60 percent relative humidity ideal. Cough. Are there in pharmacies ready to buy. But you can also make yourself from sage, thyme,…

These teas help with endometriosis and regular symptoms

These teas help with endometriosis and regular symptoms

Endometriosis is a benign but chronic condition in women of childbearing age. In this case, so-called "tissue foci" consisting of the uterine lining outside the uterine cavity settle. Predominantly, they stay in the abdomen (ovaries, intestines, uterus, etc.). In some cases, these…

Cum Allergy: What to do?

Cum Allergy: What to do?

In fact, there are people who can be allergic to sperm. Most women between the ages of 20 and 30 who suffer from a sperm allergy. But men can be allergic to their own sperm! Symptoms of a sperm allergy If you…

Skin Food – what is it?

Skin Food – what is it?

"Skin Food" – under this marketing term, we should be made aware that certain foods or dietary supplements should be particularly good for our skin. Many websites and books deal with this topic. Time to take a closer look at "Skin Food"….

Why do you always sneeze two or three times?

Why do you always sneeze two or three times?

Once sneezing seems to be rare. Because almost always comes a second and often a third sneeze behind. But why? You have to know why we sneeze at all. The reason are foreign bodies in our nose, which we inhaled and want…

Dry sheath – What to do?

Dry sheath – What to do?

Suddenly the vagina is not as wet as it used to be, it starts to itch and burn. This experience often make menopausal women. But even in younger women, vaginal dryness can occur due to several factors, such as hormonal contraception or…

Iron deficiency – that helps!

Iron deficiency – that helps!

Tiredness, difficulty concentrating, brittle nails, hair loss, torn corners of the mouth: If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may also be suffering from iron deficiency. Like every tenth woman in Austria. Iron is one of the most important…