Runny nose, cough, hoarseness, throat and limb pain – many are currently struggling with these little aches and pains and everything is guilty: autumn! The only way to avoid a flu infection is to strengthen your immune system. If it has caught you then but a few home remedies can help to get the cold under control:
To lower the fever, you dip towels in lukewarm water and wrap them around your calves. There you leave them for about 15 minutes and repeat the whole thing about twice!
Grandma has always known: chicken soup is the only true! Chicken soup blocks certain white blood cells in the organism, which are responsible for the inflammatory process. In addition, the chicken protein contains the important protein cysteine, which has anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects on the mucous membranes. Anyone who adds a piece of ginger, chilli and or black beans to the soup and cooks with them can intensify the anti-inflammatory effect even further.
Head over the pot! A simple but extremely helpful remedy for colds is inhaling chamomile and salt. The respiratory tract and mucous membranes are moistened, disinfected and mucus is released, which makes breathing much easier. Ideally, bring 2 liters of water to a boil, add a large handful of chamomile flowers (with teabags), and finally mix with three heaping tablespoons of cooking salt. Cover the head with a towel, hold the face over the bowl and inhale deeply for 10 minutes.
Gargle: As a child, it was forbidden to gargle with drinks, but if you are sick, you should and should do it quiet! Whether with sage tea or a special cough throat sneeze from the pharmacy. It is important that five minutes several times a day is gargled with the warm liquid. In addition, you should swallow the gargle water in any case, but rather spit out better, because so bacteria can be eliminated in the throat.
Lime blossom water: You need 1 teaspoon of lime blossom, 250 ml of boiling water and a cup. The boiling water is poured over the linden flowers, then let the mixture draw for 5-7 minutes and finally take it off. Of which you should drink up to 5 cups a day. If you want, you can also sweeten the tea with honey.
Buckthorn Full Fruit Juice: You can also add sea buckthorn juice to milk, warm water or a variety of cooked teas daily. Tastes delicious and works wonders!
No sports, no hot full baths, no sauna, no cold: but a lot of bed rest, lots of sleep, constant warmth and time out of stress, everyday life and work!