Enteritis: So sick makes you stress!

Since the Stone Age, not much has changed in the way our body works. If we get stressed (whether it's the saber-toothed tiger in the past or today's upcoming presentation), all available resources are mobilized within milliseconds. The activation of the so-called neuroendocrine functional axis leads to the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol – concentration, memory, muscle perfusion and energy supply are now working at full speed. The body is almost on alert. Exercise alarm or continuous stress? At Fred Feuerstein's time, the emergence of a mammoth or saber-toothed tiger put the human body on alert, so there were only two reactions: flight or fight. If the situation was successfully mastered, relaxation began. Similarly, this is a kind of exercise alarm to check all functions and affects the body similar to sports on the muscles. In technical terms, this "good" stress is also called "Eustress". The situation is different when negative experiences leach out the body and mind every day – whether it's too much work or private problems. Then the highly unhealthy "dysstress" sets in. With permanent stress, the production of stress hormones, even those of Cortisol. As a result, inflammation spreads. And in the place where the majority of our defense is ensteht: in the gut! Silent inflammation in the intestine These inflammations do not develop on the surface of the intestine, but on the second intestinal barrier, the epithelial layer. Since you can not see them, even in a colonoscopy, it is called a "silent inflammation". This has numerous negative effects on the organism. Mainly because it prevents the production of the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin, whose origin also lies in the intestine. Our brain responds very quickly to these inflammations and the lack of happiness hormone. Initially "only" with bad mood and mood swings, later with lack of concentration, nervous overload and finally total burnout.

Complete congestion through gut inflammation Ecosystem gut Approximately 100 trillion microorganisms colonize the human gastrointestinal tract. The totality of all genes of the intestinal microbes is about 150 times larger than the human genome and is referred to as intestinal microbiome. Limiting gut microbial diversity not only has negative consequences on digestion, but also on the immune system and brain. This leads to restlessness and limited cognitive performance (learning, memory). Experimental studies have shown that probiotics can have a positive effect on anxiety, mood and stress susceptibility and have a demonstrable positive effect on brain activity. The probiotics can be used either at short notice (before a test) or daily. There is no habituation effect, in test series there was so far no single side effect.