Especially those who work a lot and often in front of the screen suffer from tension and neck pain (here you will find tips on how to keep fit in the office). Of course, special back exercises, yoga exercises or massages help to strengthen the back. But what to do when the pain is already on the back of your neck? We reveal what helps with acute back pain. • Potato Wrap Boil one kilo of potatoes, crush and place in a cotton towel. Place the pack on the painful area. • Cherry stone pillows The cotton pillows filled with cherry stones are available from pharmacies or health food stores. The pillow can either be heated in the microwave or applied as a cold pack from the freezer directly to the affected area. • Red light Infrared light dilates the blood vessels and thus promotes blood circulation. This relaxes muscles and relieves pain. The application should take about 20 to 30 minutes. Note that the lamp is about 20 centimeters from the skin, otherwise there is a risk of burns. Do not treat acute inflammation with heat.