The dream figure as a 3D simulation

After the Christmas holidays, we want to lose the kilos as fast as possible. One of our most common resolutions on New Year's Eve: losing weight. As a small motivational aid, we have found a tool that simulates your body in 3D and already indicates how you would probably look with one or the other kilos less. At you can compare your current and future figures. Simply specify size and weight – your dream figure will be simulated.

Here you can tailor the simulation to you

Before: 69 kilos, After: 55 kilos On you will also learn how many hours of training you have to complete each day to reach your dream figure (including muscle diagram). We recommend you to insert after the New Year's Eve party a small detox cure. No matter if for 5 days or 7 weeks, as WOMAN editor Nadja has tested for you: 7 weeks of intestinal rehabilitation & 5 days of Detox Delight
Detoxing does not harm the body after the feasting of the last days for sure!