Victoria's Secret Trainer: You should NEVER do this diet </title>

We're not nutritionists, but we've learned one thing in the meantime: Detox is largely a marketing stunt. Fact: The human body has an efficient detoxification system. The healthy person has a liver, kidneys and his skin that do the job. Harmful substances are excreted regularly through the urine, bowel movements and sometimes through the skin. If it were not so, we would be poisoned and dead. Point. Nevertheless, chic packed juice cures are still booming, are a (usually high-priced) lifestyle product, with the help of a faster weight loss, beautiful skin and a better digestion is suggested. The chocolate bar and the Sackerl chip? Hach, the promise that we could just sweep her away with a bottle of juice sounds just too tempting.

Model Trainer: Juice cures are taboo

Not only are we susceptible to "normalos", but also the Victoria's Secret Models, who are actually versed in nutrition and fitness. Their fitness trainer Justin Gelband (working with Candice Swanepoel, Elsa Hosk, Martha Hunt or Josephine Skriver) now condemned the juice cures in an interview with the "Business Insider". "Some of the models I work with have started juicing on their own because they thought they would lose weight faster before the big show," Gelband said. "The opposite was the case." The models had so starved their body with the 5-day cleansing cure that the yo-yo effect was very big. Gelband: "The body reacts to the drastic calorie reduction by storing everything it can get in. It goes into starvation mode and immediately slows down the metabolic process." Juice cures are therefore completely nonsense for him – at least, if you want to lose weight with it. "I have advised the angels to do such experiments." Diet is the key to energy. And you need that to keep the body in good shape. "A lot of protein, lots of fiber, lots of vitamins: that's what the body needs and can break it down well," says Gelband, who propagates the Paleo diet. Gelband continues, "If someone is attending a yoga retreat in Bali and doing a lot of meditation and yoga, then he does not want to eat any heavy food, so the soups and juices are fine, but you have to be prepared to be neat Weight increases as soon as you eat normally again. "