Can you make up for sleep on the weekend?

Can you make up for sleep on the weekend?

What was that again for a week! Two evening appointments, a meeting with friends (Prosecco!) And a presentation that kept you awake into the wee hours. Anyway, now comes the weekend, now you can catch up on the missed sleep … Can…

Why you should sleep longer on Sundays

Why you should sleep longer on Sundays

Sunday! That's (except, you have children) the day of the week, where you can sleep a little bit. Where you roll around in bed, close your eyes again and you can take away an hour or two … But now? Do the…

Vegan diet

Vegan diet

Thin, pale, sickly, and always a little "over-eco-correct": the clichй of the fun-free vegan persists, but it's not true for a long time! Best examples: Actor Alicia Silverstone, who wrote The Kind diet "Wrote a vegan bestseller. Or ex-President Bill Clinton, who…

Resting Bitch Face is not just a women's thing

Resting Bitch Face is not just a women's thing

Queen Elizabeth has it, as do ex-Spice Girl Victoria Beckham, but the showcase copy for Resting Bitch Face is and remains Kristen Stewart. Among the many stars who suffer from this phenomenon are most women. Kanye West is so far the only…

Which breakfast type am I?

Which breakfast type am I?

Eating in the morning like an emperor, according to an old saying, that gives the necessary energy for the day. However, many do not have time or hunger after getting up, or skip the meal to save calories. The result: They fall…

Food intolerance: celiac disease

Food intolerance: celiac disease

Grain is healthy and belongs to a balanced diet – but wheat, barley & Co. are not beneficial to every human being. On the contrary: Some people already have enough bite to eat, and the stomach hurts. They suffer from food intolerance….

Sun allergy: That helps!

Sun allergy: That helps!

The most common allergic reaction is the "polymorphic light dermatosis", which occurs due to too much sun, especially on the face, dйcolletage and arms. Responsible for the allergies are mainly UVA rays, which can also penetrate through glass (car windows). Different forms…

MANDU: The 15-minute workout

MANDU: The 15-minute workout

It sounds like it's too good to be true: Exercise 15 minutes once a week, and nothing stands in the way of a crunchy body. Thomas Kern is weakening: "You can not dream of an egg-laying woolly milchau", he is a MANDU…

Is tofu healthy?

Is tofu healthy?

We are always incredibly happy when we know how to make our food a little healthier and meatier. Why we belong to those who like to use tofu in the restaurant or at home. The "bean cheese" is obtained from the proteins…

Cellulaze: Laser against cellulite

Cellulaze: Laser against cellulite

The Danube Wave Valley on the thighs, the bulky dents over the knees – a new method promises a quick remedy. We have the most important facts about it. What is Cellulaze? This is a laser used against orange peel. The method…