The alarm rings again, and after the third time snoozing you finally give in. Tiny eyes, barely opening, look for the light switch in the darkness. And even if it gets a little better in the course of the day, you have not lost in energy for a long time. You find yourself here again? Then you belong to the permanent guy. There are many reasons for constant fatigue. Top of the list: too little sleep. There is nothing else to do but to take a nose and go to bed earlier. But many people start the night's sleep early enough, sleep sufficiently and still get in the morning hardly in the corridors. Why is that so? "Especially in women, iron deficiency is often to blame," says general practitioner dr. Doris Gapp from the ordination center Woman & Health. In fact, every fifth woman is affected. Especially pregnant women and women with heavy menstruation lose above average blood and thus higher amounts of iron. But other symptoms such as the classic autumn blues, low blood pressure, intolerance and hypothyroidism are common causes of constant fatigue. Precisely because there are so many possible reasons for tiredness, sufferers should discuss their symptoms with the family doctor.
Autumn blues due to lack of light
The cause. The days are getting shorter and darker, the body reacts to that: "Little light signals winter and we switch to the energy-saving mode," explains Gapp. The less light we get, the less we spill out the happiness hormone serotonin. The vitamin D supply is also scarce. At the same time, the level of the sleep hormone melatonin, whose production is triggered by the darkness, rises. The result: fatigue, which often goes hand in hand with a depressive mood. What you can do about it. Go out! Walks in the fresh air boost the circulation and raise the mood. In addition, you can easily fix the defect by balancing it with artificial light. A daylight lamp manipulates the internal clock in the brain. Daily in the morning 20 to 30 minutes of light therapy keep you awake and make for a sunny mind.
Iron deficiency and anemia
The cause. Iron helps with the formation of blood and the transport of oxygen into the cells. If we have too little of the trace element, the body can no longer perform important functions as well. What you do about it. We need 2 milligrams of iron every day. Foods high in iron: 100 g of liver contain up to 30, wheat bran 16 milligrams. Pumpkin seeds and legumes are also good sources. Higher deficits can not balance diet alone. The problem: Only a fraction of the contained iron can actually absorb the intestine. Incidentally, the same applies to iron tablets, "explains Dr. med. Gapp. In case of severe deficiency or anemia, it therefore recommends an iron infusion therapy in which the trace element passes directly into the blood. All information about iron deficiency and treatment options in Austria can be found on the website eisencheck.at
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
The cause. When blood pressure is low, less blood and oxygen gets into the organs. Sufferers are often pale, they feel slightly dizzy or black in front of their eyes. In addition, they quickly freeze and often suffer from headaches and tiredness. From 95 to 65 one speaks of low blood pressure values. Whether you are affected can be easily determined with a measuring device at home or at the family doctor. What you can do about it. The magic word is movement. Because it boosts the circulation and raises blood pressure. "Build three sports units a week, preferably workouts that train endurance," advises Gapp. To wake up faster in the morning, drive a few minutes while lying down or do a headstand: this way the brain is optimally supplied with blood. Cold-warm showering and plenty of drinking additionally activate the blood circulation.
Intolerances and allergies
The cause. What we eat has a big impact on how active we are. "When food lands on the plate that you can not stand, the body can handle it, but it is very tiring and tired," explains the expert. Whether lactose intolerance, celiac disease, food or pollen allergies – if the organism has to fight against it, it costs a lot of energy and is depleted in the long run. What you can do about it. Watch Your Eating Behavior: Is a Pattern Recognizable? Are you more tired on days when you B. have eaten many wheat products? Then a celiac disease could be behind it. A test in the allergy center clarifies which things one should avoid. Pollen allergy sufferers see on the website of the Austrian Pollenwarndienst (pollenwarndienst.at) exactly on which days the air is particularly stressed.
The cause. The thyroid gland is an organ that produces hormones that have important functions in the body, such as: As temperature, water balance and oxygen consumption, regulate. If the gland does not produce enough hormones, it becomes underactive. This may be genetic or it is caused by other factors such. As stress or selenium deficiency triggered. The result: The digestion slows down and you often suffer from constipation and weight gain. In addition, the disrupted hormone balance can lead to cycle disorders, rapid freezing, forgetfulness, depressive mood and just groundless fatigue. What you can do about it. "If you suspect necessarily make an appointment with the family doctor, because for a diagnosis, a blood test must be made," says the expert. In severe hormone deficiency, a drug therapy is necessary.