The Swedish doctor and scientist Bertil Marklund lost his parents very early. Since then he has been concerned with the question of how to extend the life span. In his new book "10 Tips, 10 Years Longer", he also describes how the sun affects our health. "Sunbaths are more healthy than dangerous," he writes. However, there is a lot to consider in order to give skin cancer no chance!
Why is sun so important?
Once in the sun, it exposes itself to the ultraviolet radiation, which consists of UVA and UVB rays. The UVB rays form vitamin D when our skin cells are exposed to direct sunlight. This is also the reason why so many people suffer from vitamin D deficiency in winter. And just because of this deficiency increases the risk of cancer and many other diseases.
What does vitamin D do?
Vitamin D is good for the nervous system and also for bone formation, because it counteracts osteoporosis. It also regulates the hormonal system and improves the absorption of minerals and other important substances from the intestine. Vitamin D also activates and strengthens the immune system and helps to reduce inflammation. In this way it protects us against a whole range of diseases, including: Иу various cancers
Иу multiple sclerosis (MS)
Иу Diabetes
Иу rheumatic diseases
Иу Depressions
Psoriasis (psoriasis)
Иу Osteoporosis
Иу infections
Иу Dementia
Иу Thrombosis in the legs
So sunbathing is healthy?
Dr. Marklund advises: "In our latitudes, we have to see to it that we fill our vitamin D reservoirs in store, so you should sunbathe daily in the summer months." But you do not have to put your bikini on the beach. It's enough if you work outside in the garden in the T-shirt or go for a walk. 15-20 minutes without sunscreen are enough. If you spend more time outside, you should definitely apply a cream to avoid sunburn! An important tip: "You should not shower directly after sunbathing or use soaps that wash off the fat-soluble vitamin D." It usually takes a few hours for the vitamin D to be absorbed by the skin.
Sun protection is still important
Surely you know the saying: The skin remembers everything. Especially sunburns that you had as a child increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. If you spend more than 15-20 minutes in the sun, ALWAYS use sunscreen and protect yourself with proper clothing. This also applies to the winter! In addition, people with the following characteristics are at risk: blond hair, red hair, freckles, many moles, skin cancer in the family.
Take vitamin D over food
Vitamin D, which has been formed during sunbathing in summer, may last until a few weeks into the autumn, but then it gradually decreases. Therefore it is advisable to start taking vitamin D at the beginning of autumn and continue until the beginning of spring. In addition, a lot of vitamin D is in foods, such as fat
Fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, eel), eggs and milk are included.