The concept of beauty

Since time immemorial beauty is an issue for us. Even in ancient Egypt, pigmentation was counteracted with a fenugreek ointment. Even the blackening of eyelashes and eyebrows with coal was self-evident. And the Greek Hippocrates already mixed tinctures against wrinkles. Awareness of aesthetics is obviously in our nature. People want to be pretty, cosmetics and beauty treatments are booming. But what is beautiful? Two surveys and a study have dealt with the beauty and psychological effects of aesthetic interventions. In addition, we have asked dermatologists and plastic surgeons for their experience in daily practice. Golden cut. Attractiveness research has found that looking good is a question of proportions. "Human beauty can be traced back to a mathematical relationship, the so-called Golden Ratio, which also applies to plants and animals: the more perfect, the more beautiful we find it, and the sense of that has not changed over the millennia", the plastic surgeon Dr. Veith Moser ( Of the 62 cultures studied in a study, only 20 percent consider very slim women to be attractive, half even use lush curves, and 30 percent love mediocrity. Rework. Since only a few have been equipped with perfect proportions by nature, more and more are interested in aesthetic interventions. After all, 73 percent of Austrians say that a well-groomed appearance is important for professional and private success, as shown by a Karmasin survey for Moser Medical ( . Also 73 percent are convinced that good-looking people generally feel better. Being attractive does not always mean perfect: not all who have a tooth gap or protruding ears want to get rid of this "trademark". But at least 32 percent have already thought of a medical beauty treatment. Ordeal. The decision is not taken lightly. "Many have a tremendous amount of suffering because, for example, the breast is too small or too big, or love handles just do not disappear with appropriate training," says plastic surgeon Dr. med. Sandra Rigel ( Also Primar Dr. Johann Umschaden ( knows these patient worries: "Such an intervention is for many the elimination of a personal blemish – it goes so far that they no longer dare to go outside or avoid the circle of acquaintances, but they want to go back participate in life. " The decision is not rushed anyway. It often takes years to actually get there. Acceptance. In the meantime, the big taboo topic is no longer beauty surgeries and treatments in our society, and in principle 47 percent are positive about them. That's what the Gallup Institute for the Austrian Association for Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Surgery ( found out. This increased acceptance, more safety in the interventions and better income are the reasons why aesthetic interventions increase so rapidly. Nevertheless, it must not look "made". Almost a third of Austrians would be worried about an intervention that could make the result look artificial. That naturalness has priority, the experts also know. "People do not want to be artificially changed," says Claudia Moser, clinic director of Moser Medical. And Primar Umschaden confirms: "In Europe, patients – unlike the US – have high standards of naturalness, and very large breasts or lips are desired only in exceptional cases." Expectations. But what do people hope for? The dermatologist Dr. med. Matthias Sandhofer ( sums it up: "The patients want to feel good in their skin." This experience has also Univ.-Doz. Dr. Rafic Kuzbari, Specialist in Plastic Surgery (, made: "You want to be more beautiful, younger and therefore more self-confident." Psycho-factor. With the question of whether these hopes are fulfilled, the German psychologist Dr. med. Jьrgen Markgraf in a study with 808 subjects busy: The people who have undergone an OP, were then happier than before. They felt more comfortable, healthier, more self-esteem, more attractive. Striking: While high feelings of life-changing measures such as job changes or relocation within a year, the aesthetic corrections improved the quality of life lasting. Also dermatologist Univ.-Doz. Dr. Sanja Schuller-Petrovic ( knows that: "I observe that after a procedure people develop a new self-confidence, have more joy in life, women dress chicer, look more at themselves." With one caveat: the expectations must be realistic. For a breast surgery, for example, can not save the relationship.