More and more children suffer from lack of sleep and have massive sleep disorders. According to sleep medicine experts, researchers and experts, mobile phones are responsible for the irregular daily routine, incorrect timetables and other electronic devices such as tablets and co. How many hours of sleep the children actually need is often unknown to the parents. Doctors note that until the age of 13, children should get at least 10 hours sleep. In adolescents, the number reduces to about 9 hours, so they are rested and fit for the day. It is understandable that the constant tiredness also has an impact on health. A Columbia University of New York study has found that about 30 percent of children and adolescents suffer from sleep disorders, which can have dramatic long-term effects. The less you sleep, the higher the risk of developing depression. Incidentally, this does not only apply to children and adolescents, but also to adults. In addition, the study found that those who only sleep five hours a night have 48 percent more suicidal thoughts.
Every 4th child suffers from lack of sleep! This is how children sleep better, longer and healthier 1. Always go to bed at the same time. 2. Adhere to rituals. (Brush your teeth, read a book, read a bedtime story, etc.) 3. Do not use screens or electronic devices for at least 1 hour before bedtime. And even in bed or in the bedroom, no devices should be switched on or in stand-by mode. 4. No pick-me-up, coffee, energy drinks, ice tea, drink cola! 5. Light, noise and smoke can also negatively affect the child's sleep. Therefore, these things should be avoided. In the evening it is also recommended that the child does not fall asleep with lights or headphones with music. 6. Real dinner. (Not too heavy, greasy or difficult to digest food!) 7. Regulate room temperature. Not above 24 degrees or below 18 degrees.