The human body has over 650 muscles. Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, are ailments that in most cases have muscular causes. In rare cases, other diseases, such as the immune system, the nervous system or the skeleton, the trigger. Muscular soreness is probably the most well-known form of muscle pain. As a result of overloading, small cracks in the Z-disks in the muscle tissue occur, which in turn causes inflammation, which in turn leads to swelling of the muscle and to edema. The most common causes are lack of exercise and poor posture. Often the pain disappears within a few days and does not require medical advice. Symptoms can become a problem if the pain symptoms last longer and are not caused by a specific overuse or injury. Prolonged muscle pain can be a symptom of generalized inflammatory diseases, nutritional deficiencies, fibromyalgia, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes and even mental disorders. If muscle pain does not intensify and occurs sporadically, they can be treated with proven home remedies, pain medications and heat pills. Instead of sparing oneself, physical activity is now just the thing. Because stagnation often leads to a worsening of symptoms. It is best to spend a little time each day for gymnastics, walks and other sports such as cycling, swimming or walking. A thermal paving is the mobile form of the hot water bottle or lamp. Due to the heat, it not only has a beneficial effect, but also contains active ingredients that support the healing process. Under the clothes, the plasters are also virtually invisible. Special ointments contain tissue regenerating, analgesic and wound healing properties.