What happens in our heads when we have a headache has not been fully understood despite intensive research. However, there are a number of factors that, apart from actual illness or migraine, can cause pain. And those who know the triggers can also avoid them: Lack of sleep: Too little or irregular sleep is often underestimated as a trigger. Helping to go to bed regularly at the same time and making sure to get at least 7.5 hours of slumber a night. Stress: If one is under professional stress or persistent stress, it also damages the body. The most common symptoms are headaches, which sometimes only occur when the stress on vacation or on weekends decreases for a short time. Relaxation exercises or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson can have a soothing effect here. In the long term, however, one should eliminate the cause of the stress – be it with a clarifying conversation or even a change of occupation. Dehydration: Of course, one of the most common reasons for the headache is because we are all too keen to forget to drink enough. Luckily, you do not have to do much therapy here – just a few glasses of water to reduce the pain. However, you should also act preventively and take care to take at least two liters of liquid daily – not including coffee and alcohol. Hormone fluctuations in women: During the menopause and menopause, hormonal fluctuations can also cause headaches. In addition, taking the pill can have negative effects of this kind. In this case, it is worthwhile to switch to alternative methods of contraception. Diet: Certain foods often cause headaches due to incompatibilities. Typical suspects here are, for example, coffee, chocolate, tea, cheese, red wine or food additives such as sodium glutamate, preservatives and dyes as well as artificial sweeteners. If this suspicion exists, a food diary will help to get to the bottom of the culprits. Weather changes: The blood vessels in our brain react to temperature, pressure and humidity fluctuations and therefore many people are "weather-sensitive". If there is a change in the weather, headaches can occur. For example, you can help with exercise in the fresh air or changing showers. Smoking, alcohol and pain killers: Excessive intake of nicotine, alcohol as well as analgesics may also be responsible for the buzzing in the skull. Insofar it is in any case recommended to limit the stimulants or medicines and not increase the latter. Dental Problems: Be it toothache, jaw malposition or nocturnal teeth grinding – all this can lead to additional headaches. As a precaution, you should go to the dentist or dentist every 6 months. Posture and tension: A non-ergonomic workplace during computer work or one-sided movements that are repeated continuously, or a poor posture can lead to tension and consequently to headaches. An individually adjustable chair can already release tension in the office or it can often help to change the sitting position.