The logic says: Sunlight provides people with vitamin D. Citrus fruits grow well, especially in warm, sunny climes. So it is certainly good to eat lemons, oranges and grapefruit to ensure adequate vitamin D supply. This conclusion sounds plausible, but it is completely wrong. Because vitamin D can be found in completely different foods. According to an info folder for bone-loss patients, a daily intake of 20 micrograms of vitamin D is recommended. Because the vitamin reduces the risk of broken bones, loss of strength and balance disorders. Of course you can take vitamin D with supplements, but in these foods is found a considerable amount: 22 micrograms: trout cooked 25 micrograms: smoked herring 23 micrograms: herring, salted 18 micrograms: salmon, smoked 16 micrograms: salmon, fresh What role does smoking play? Since this is a very gentle cooking, all good ingredients are retained and only the pollutants are replaced. At the end of smoking the fish is deprived of much water, so that the fat content is much higher than with boiled or fried fish. And it's in this fat that comes the good Vitamin D and Omega 3. Of course you should not consume too much smoked fish, as the salt content is often too high to be healthy daily. And you should also pay attention to the origin of the fish and any impurities. Since vitamin D can be absorbed mainly by sunlight, experts recommend not to abstain from dietary supplements in winter despite a good diet, especially if you already have vitamin D deficiency.