No, we do not want to increase your expectations too much now. It is not enough to drink a bit of tea and you'll be slender in your sleep, you can do whatever you want, and you never have to carry your sluggish body to the gym. Absolute miracles do not exist, especially not when it comes to throwing a few pounds. But there is this tea, which supports the slimming super. If you look in the herbal encyclopedia, you learn that nettle boosts fat burning and digestion, and frees your body from toxins and debris, and gives you extra energy.
Everything you need for the slimming tea, you get in a well-stocked supermarket or at the weekly market at the greengrocer of your trust: ginger, lemongrass and nettle. The whole then just pour boiling water over and have your miracle! Why does the stinging nettle help with weight loss? They are, of course, the ingredients: ginger. Ginger, like chili, is a super fat killer. He's heating up a lot! In addition, ginger increases the salivary and gastric juice secretion and brings movement in the intestinal peristalsis. In short: your digestion is boosted. Nettle. The green leaves of the stinging nettle have a dehydrating, purifying effect and stimulate the lipid metabolism. In addition, the nettle leaves act against inflammation and relieve pain. In case of problems with the intestine, stomach or hemorrhoids, the stinging nettle should be swallowed. Lemon grass. The stems strengthen the immune system and allow the body to regenerate overnight. The fabric-firming properties help combat cellulite! How to prepare the slimming tea: 20 grams of ginger (peeled and grated), 10 grams of nettle (available at the pharmacy, for example) and pour 40 grams of lemongrass with 150 ml of hot water. Now let the mixture go for about eight minutes, then strain it through a sieve. Still warm before bedtime! With herbs Kottas you find healthy teas, which are suitable for the purifying: www.kottas.at