More endurance with these sports

To improve your condition, good and effective endurance training is the best solution. And in addition to a better breath in sports, there is another positive effect: the kilos tumble like crazy, because it is burned plenty of fat here.
But endurance training is not only good for the figure, but also for our health and general well-being. Anyone who "torments" their body regularly with endurance training suffers less frequently from high blood pressure, because the blood pressure is lowered by the sport. This in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
How often does endurance training work?
Ideally, a unit of cardio exercise that lasts 30 to 60 minutes would be 3-4 times a week. But it does not matter if you do the training session in the morning or in the evening.
Allegedly the kilos should melt faster during sports in the morning on an empty stomach, but the circulation in the morning often does not play as well as we would like ..
Attention: What is particularly important in endurance training: That you do not exaggerate! It is better to start slowly and gradually increase. So you notice a significant increase and improvement of the condition after just a few weeks. These are the best sports for good stamina and fitness Jogging Cycling Aerobics In the fitness center: elliptical machine, bike, treadmill inline skating skiing cross country skiing (snowshoe) hiking