Since the beginning of the 20th century, many people have almost without exception the same goal in mind: to be thin. Trying to imitate the body shapes of gazelle-like people from advertising and the pop industry is a million dollar business. New workouts, new nutritional supplements, even the mysterious "fat-away injection": People like to pay in their quest to be slim and fat-free. But have you ever thought about where all the mass you lose during your workout or similar attempts at self-optimization vanishes? The excess body fat does not dissolve in the air. Does it sweat with the sweat during the sport? – NO. Does fat just turn into a muscle? – NO. Or is it converted directly into energy and burned?
We just breathe out burnt fat
Not correct. In fact, the fat cells are broken up and broken down into water and carbon dioxide. The amount of water we lose with our sweat, urine or even tears. The carbon dioxide again … well: we just exhale it. As the British Medical Journal explains in an article and with a video, there is still a great deal of ignorance about the actual metabolic process that happens in weight loss. "Weight loss," the physicians in this video, which has been viewed over 11 million times, "requires unlocking the carbon stored in the fat cells." In a word, the moment you start to sweat training and your breath goes faster, fat burning starts too. Smart, right?