Are vegetable chips healthy?

You treat yourself anyway nothing, so really. We try to optimize ourselves so that we do without anything that is 'unhealthy' for us and only make (and consume) things that are 'healthy'. We want to be fit, be eternally young and at the same time brilieren in the work. We go to so much trouble anyway, and then: The one of our favorite snacks, the invisibility cloak is torn down, he is bared and defamed. Vegetable chips should not be as healthy as it was claimed. But have we ever really believed that?

Vegetable chips, even just a snack like any other.

Yes, unfortunately. It sounds too good to be true. They are chips, made from vegetables! Most manufacturers are organic and pay attention to the ingredients. But unfortunately that's only half the story. Stiftung Warentest took a closer look at the vegetable nibbles and found out that they do not contain much less calories than potato chips.

(c) And in terms of sugar content, vegetables such as sweet potato or carrot overtake conventional potatoes anyway. When drying the pieces of vegetables, this sugar content even increases. Also very negative is the amount of acrylamide to evaluate. This substance is used primarily as a stabilizer or as a dye and is considered to be carcinogenic.

Calories, calories, everywhere.

What shocked most was that the advertising machine around the vegetable chips worked so well that more than 40% of those surveyed considered vegetable chips to be healthier than potato chips. According to the test, one interviewee wrote, "We want our grandchildren to eat as little sugar and fat as possible, so vegetable crisps are a good alternative to raw vegetable sticks." So it is good that Stiftung Warentest is doing some educational work here, because unfortunately it seems to be sorely needed.

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