Wheat is the devil. So at least when it comes to books such as "Weizenwampe: Why wheat thick and sick," "Stupid as bread: How wheat creeps your brain destroyed" and "Drug Sugar & Wheat: A plea for a life without Dick and Sick" goes , Accordingly, the grain not only makes us stupid, fat, but also quite addictive. In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has been more than trendy. Clean Eating, Yoga & Co. are among the winged concepts of our time. The enemy images of health trends are clearly defined: anything that unnecessarily thickens, contains too many additives and is generally less tolerated.
(c) unsplash.com/ And also when baking bread is about compatibility, so the perfect fermentation process. Often yeast is added to the dough, which converts the sugar in the flour. That would be the case with a "classic" bread that you can easily buy in the supermarket. But there are other methods of fermentation that are even more effective: sourdough. Here, the fermentation is achieved by lactic acid bacteria. The released carbon dioxide loosens the dough and makes it nice and fluffy. This aspect makes a sourdough bread at first glance very appealing. But what speaks for this process is the compatibility of such baked goods.
Sourdough makes breads fluffy and easily digestible.
In fact, it is true that sourdough makes bakery products easier to digest, increases their shelf life, enhances their aroma and improves their nutritional properties. These would be about the rye bread improved calcium and iron utilization. So you can say that sourdough in itself has very good properties, but in itself not directly healthier than other doughs. However, when combined with the right flour, for example rye or spelled flour, a sourdough bread becomes the right power cake. But wheat should not be underestimated per se: If you are lucky enough to get wheat wholemeal bread, you should take advantage of this. Whole wheat flour has many filling fibers, vitamins and minerals as normal wheat bread.