We have a little jitters before, before the hormonal change to the 50th year of life. Because during menopause there are physical and psychological changes in many ways. And then there are the typical symptoms: hot flashes, bad mood, sleep disorders and (oh god!) Also gain weight. But we can calm down: Every woman experiences this time of upheaval differently and not necessarily negatively. In addition, menopause is part of life, much like puberty. Repression is pointless. Instead, we should use the time to live healthier and more in harmony with ourselves. When do the menopause begin? Most women "catch" it between the 45th and the 55th year of life. Some a little earlier, others later. A very early onset of menopause – as the time of last menstruation and thus the end of fertility is called – may be hereditary or caused by heavy smoking, diabetes, thyroid disease or malnutrition. But also various burdens can cause premature decline of female sex hormones in the blood and thus the menopause – such as deaths, divorce, occupational stress. In short: extreme stress. How do I recognize the menopause? At the beginning of the menstrual period become irregular, sometimes they occur more often, sometimes they stay out, sometimes they are weaker and then again exceptionally strong. Attention is needed at this point! Because the period is much stronger than usual and this is not an isolated case, gynecological advice is necessarily to catch up, as this could also be other causes. Otherwise, it is not necessary to seek medical advice – menopause is something women have always lived through and not a condition. Why are there complaints during menopause? Estrogens are one of the female sex hormones that are formed in the ovary (cycle-dependent) and sometimes play an important role in the functioning cycle of a woman. Alternately, the estrogen level drops. The result is not just the absence of the period, but estrogens also have a general effect on the metabolism. Because of the menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis for many women, the blood pressure can increase, some suffer from hormonal weight gain – and the risk of diabetes increases. Some women also complain of racing heartbeat, dizziness, poor sleep, poor performance, rapid irritability, flushing and sweating, as well as dry vaginal dryness pain. Some suffer terribly, others have no complaints at all. Hormone treatment during menopause – yes or no? In the 1990s, hormone supplements were almost prescribed for women in the menopause like candy. The hormones should not only fight the discomfort, but also protect against conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, thrombosis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, incontinence, cancer and diabetes.
About ten years ago, the first, very sobering, studies were published. In some cases, the hormone preparations even triggered the opposite of the promised result: the risk of thrombosis rose, the risk of breast cancer was increased, the risk of heart attack was not lowered and the risk of strokes increased. In addition, women who took hormone supplements suffered more from urinary incontinence and lower memory and perception performance. However, hormone replacement disorders are best treated – and the risk of osteoporosis, colorectal cancer and diabetes has also been reduced. The recently published long-term results of the studies confirm the earlier results. It may be that a particular group of women benefits from early onset and short duration of treatment. Conclusion: Hormone preparations should really only be prescribed if the suffering is particularly great. What alternative treatments are available? Soy, red clover and other plants contain estrogen-like substances called "phytoestrogens" that are designed to counteract menopausal symptoms in a natural way. However, some studies found that these had the effect of placebo rather than medicinal effect. However, black cohosh and St. John's wort preparations have a proven positive effect. Experience has shown that alternative medicine methods have shown success, eg aromatherapy with massages, hypnosis or the methods of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In addition, a balanced diet, regular exercise, endurance and strength training, low alcohol and nicotine waiver help. How does sex change during the menopause? Women have a slight sense of pleasure during and after menopause, they say. Perfect nonsense! Women can have a normal sexual life, and some even report that it has been more fulfilling since then than in previous years. Of course, this is due to the fact that they no longer have to work for contraception and do not have to fear an unplanned child. If middle-aged women have sex problems, it's usually because they do not feel that attractive anymore. Sexuality is a matter of course for women as opposed to men. If the woman blocks mentally, then no physical pleasure is felt. Since then, the men are required to do their best, so that the woman feels desirable again.