Surely you've heard of menstrual cups as an alternative to tampons and pads. More and more women prefer to use the reusable silicone cup during their period than traditional feminine hygiene products. They are much healthier than tampons because they can not bring the vaginal flora out of equilibrium by dehydration. They contain neither chemicals nor toxins that can lead to vaginal infections. In addition, there is no risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), which recently hit the headlines with deaths.
- What is a menstrual cup?
- How do I introduce the menstrual cup?
- How do I remove the menstrual cup?
- How do you clean a menstrual cup?
- What sizes are available for menstrual cups?
- Where can I buy menstrual cups?
- Do I receive menstrual cups at the pharmacy?
- Can a menstrual cup get leaky?
- How long can I use the menstrual cup?
- Trace menstrual cup by app
What is a menstrual cup?
Menstrual cups are small, reusable cups made of silicone that are inserted into the vagina like tampons to catch the menstrual blood. The blood is not absorbed as in tampons, but collected in the cup and emptied regularly.
Before insertion, the menstrual cup must be folded.
How do I introduce the menstrual cup?
Before using the menstrual cup, wash your hands and rinse the cup with warm water as well. With your index finger, press the upper edge into the middle of the cup and fold so that the menstrual cup narrows. In a loose position (sitting or squatting) now insert the folded cup. Insert the cup until the stalk is no longer felt. If he still tweaks, you can shorten him with a pair of scissors and reinsert the menstrual cup. Tip: To make sure the menstrual cup fits well, turn it 360 degrees once on the stick. If this works well, everything should fit!
How do I remove the menstrual cup?
Press your abdominal muscles down and slowly pull the cup out with your thumb and forefinger on the stem. Empty the contents in the toilet and wash the cup with intimate soap and warm water. Depending on how much you have your period, the menstrual cup can be worn for up to 12 hours.
How do you clean a menstrual cup?
During your days, it is enough to clean the menstrual cup with ph-neutral soap every time you empty it and rinse it off with hot water. After your days you should boil the cup (nothing happens to the silicone) and store it in the provided bag.
What sizes are available for menstrual cups?
The cups are usually offered in 2 to 3 different sizes. The larger cups are recommended for women over 30 who have given birth vaginally. Mostly described on the provider pages, which size is suitable for whom.
Where can I buy menstrual cups?
Meanwhile, you can buy menstrual cups already in the drugstore (eg dm for Euro 15.95). Over the Internet, there are many ways to order a menstrual cup.
The Founders of Ruby Cup Note: Each time you buy a Ruby Cup, you donate a menstrual cup to a girl in Kenya who will not have to worry about her menstruation for the next 10 years.
Do I receive menstrual cups at the pharmacy?
Meanwhile, you can buy menstrual cups already in numerous pharmacies. There you can also use the opportunity to get personal advice!
Gynecologist Dr. med. Eva Lehner-Rothe clarifies the most important questions about the menstrual cap from a medical point of view:
Can a menstrual cup get leaky?
If the menstrual cup is leaking, this is usually a sign that it is not sitting properly. Try to place them as described above and rotate 360 ​​degrees once. Also make sure that the menstrual cup is not inserted too high. However, if it leaks and leaks again and again, it may have anatomical causes (such as a too-low cervix). Then you should try a bigger cup (size L).
How long can I use the menstrual cup?
With proper cleaning and care you can use the menstrual cup for up to 10 years.
Trace menstrual cup by app
But with Looncup (belongs to Mooncup) you go one step further. The menstrual cup is equipped with a battery, a sensor and a Bluetooth antenna. Once the blood flows into the cup, information can be retrieved. Best of all, the app sends push messages as soon as the cap is full. All data is stored and can be compared at any time to create a personal period calendar. All information here: Looncup – menstrual cup per app