"Skin Food" – under this marketing term, we should be made aware that certain foods or dietary supplements should be particularly good for our skin. Many websites and books deal with this topic. Time to take a closer look at "Skin Food". Scientists have now done this with an extensive study. And found: "Skin Food" is indeed! Nachsatz: As long as it is natural foods. Food with skin-protecting function The sun is probably the strongest strain on the skin. Too much sun accelerates skin aging, it is wrinkled and wrinkled. Elderly people from different countries, all living in very hot climes like Australia or Greece, took part in the study. In addition to the skin texture, the lifestyle habits (smoking, sports, etc.) and the eating habits of the participants were also recorded. The following correlations were found: • Foods such as vegetables, olive oil, fish, legumes and tea have the greatest positive influence on the skin texture! • The greater the consumption of dairy products, butter, margarine and sweets, ice cream, the worse the appearance of the skin (light-induced skin aging, pronounced wrinkling, pigmented). What's more: fat dairy products, cakes and sweets and sausage products in general even promote premature skin aging! • The more fish, eggs, olive oil, asparagus, tea, apples, garlic, cherries, melons, berries, green leafy vegetables, soft plums eaten, the lower the wrinkling! • The least signs of skin aging and skin damage and thus the strongest skin protection (in all groups) provides the regular enjoyment of "skin food" such as tea, eggs, fish, Lima beans, apples, soft plums, olive oil, spinach, asparagus, leeks, celery , Eggplant, nuts, melons and cherries. Equally important: drink a lot! New study proves positive effect A second study by the University of Nottingham also confirms the positive impact of "skin food": Two groups of participants were formed. One group used tanning for self-tanning – the other nourished themselves with vegetables and fruit and lay down once a day in the sun. Skin texture and color were recorded before and after the intervention. The surprising result: those participants who had put on fruits and vegetables, had a nicer and healthier complexion than the self-tanning group. In short, if you want a nice tan, you should eat lots of carotene-rich vegetables and fruits like melons, mangos and papaya. And only briefly exposure to the sun.