Children's eyes light up at the sight of colorful candies. And even grown-ups can hardly resist the sweet temptation: cream slices, muffins and chocolate taste too good! But what is a permitted enjoyment as a small dessert or occasional sin makes you fat and sick in abundance. We wanted to know: How much sugar is still normal and therefore healthy? And where is the white sweets hiding everywhere? Sleuth. Every child knows that sweets, ice cream and chocolate contain a lot of sugar. Less well known are the hidden sugar traps such as ketchup, sauces, dressings, ready meals, light products or soft drinks. But it is these products that drive our annual consumption of industrial sugar to an average of 30 (!) Kilo. Figuratively illustrated, we plaster so 27 pieces of sugar per day (approx.
80 grams), which is twice as much as it would be harmless to health. Only 15% of it is used in the household for baking and cooking. Much of the remainder is being turned into food by the food industry. So pay attention to the ingredients of your food the next time you shop. For Illness. Possible consequences for high sugar intake include heart disease, diabetes II, acne, kidney problems, sleep disorders, a malfunctioning immune system, mood swings, anxiety and depression. The fatale of sugar, however, is that it makes us happy in the short term. Because when you eat our reward center is activated in the brain. So you escape the sugar addiction So no wonder that we often have cravings for sweets and can be downright dependent on it. Therapist Inke Jochims compares the urge for sugar in her book addictive sweetness even with alcoholism or drug addiction: "All drugs change the biochemistry of the human brain, so the mood, sugar does that too, of which one becomes dependent." If we now withdrawal symptoms in the Noticing sweet things – such as headaches, mood swings, or fatigue – can be a sign of addiction, and when a dose of chocolate makes those symptoms disappear again, everything is clear – the constant sweetness of the mind conditions our brains on stress or worse New Sugar Substitutes Mostly the sugar shock is followed by a bad conscience, then we are attracted by light products or healthy dairy products like fruit yoghurt or whey, which only push us further into the spiral of bad nutrition, because many dairy products are Sweetened with sugar, also many light Products are not a good alternative. With them, the taste carrier fat is saved, the added sweetness to make up for it. That this sweetness is usually artificial, does not change the vicious circle in which you get into: sugar substitutes trick the body that he gets sugar. All metabolic processes in order to transport this energy into the cells are in full swing – but nothing matters. The body then challenges the sugar with food cravings. Incidentally, this is true for all types of sweeteners, even in the since November 2011 approved in the EU stevia (sweet herb). Although Stevia contains no calories and does not raise blood sugar levels. But even this powder sets in motion the same processes described above in the body. In addition, we get used to sweeter and tastier foods, instead of simply using less sugar and "weaning." The 10-Week Program After so much bad news, there's also a good one: you're not helpless at sugar addiction Jochims has put together a program that will allow you to beat the sugar in ten weeks Week 1. Coffee Away – Remove caffeine-containing beverages like coffee, black and green tea from your diet because caffeine keeps your blood sugar levels unstable and the body is constantly asking for more caffeine or sweetener, alternatives are fruit tea or decaffeinated cereal coffee, avoid ketchup and any ready-to-use sauces as they are so full of sugar Week 2. Repeat your breakfast habits to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Whole grains, pancakes or turkey ham are ideal, and a sweet breakfast with chocolate spreads or jam tends to cause food cravings in the morning. Snacks should be avoided Week 3. Now renounce to alcohol. From a chemical point of view, wine and beer have the same effect as sugar in the body and cause the same blood sugar fluctuations. Start with splashes instead of wine and alcohol-reduced beer. Week 4. Now prepare your lunch. A well-balanced lunch should consist of 1/3 carbohydrates, 1/3 vegetables and 1/3 protein. Do not use starchy noodles, but rather go for quinoa (health food). It is one of the most protein-rich grains and is ideal as a side dish. Week 5. Ban margarine from your kitchen, and instead use butter or olive oil instead. Because margarine contains trans fats, which increase the cholesterol value and thereby harm the heart. Attention: fat-reduced margarine contains even added sugar! Week 6. Dinner: Reduce starchy carbs such as bread, rice and pasta. They increase insulin levels and prevent the breakdown of fat deposits at night. Instead, vegetables and proteins like chicken, eggs, fish are ideal. Week 7. Stay tuned! From now on, an afternoon snack made from fruit, vegetables or a wholemeal roll is allowed. Week 8. No sugar and white flour – leave cakes, sugar drinks, ice cream and sweets completely gone. Mineral water with freshly squeezed lemon juice decreases the desire for sweets. Week 9. Now learn to say no to invitations, you may eat a little something before that. Week 10. Sugar free, juhu – review the last few weeks. How do you feel? What has changed? Of course, there will be relapses. But do not go to court too hard, but see it as an incident that – in the truest sense of the word – does not matter, so be sure to continue. Editor: Jasmine Altrock