Women on a diet tend to cheat

Men are on guard when the partner suddenly begins to count meticulously calories and wants to be slimmer! What sounds like a stupid rumor, but unfortunately is fact: According to a report of the men's lifestyle magazine "Men's Health", scientists from the US Monmouth University in West Long Branch found out that women who are on a diet, rather too tend a fling. Why? Researchers explain that changing diets lowers female willpower, making it harder for women to resist lure and the advances of other men.

Women on a diet are more likely to be foreigners! Accordingly, it is advisable to either dissuade his girlfriend from dieting, or to do sports with her. Because it is even worse: If women on a diet already far more often go strangers, then women who are frustrated because of their weight loss attempts, a much easier "booty".

Men feed your women!