If we do not like something, we'll put it up, put it in foreign affairs, and sometimes others dance around on it – we're talking about the nose. We need them to breathe, smell, even taste. For that the sense organ has to work perfectly. If it does not, a correction, usually the nasal septum, makes sense. However, interventions are also made when there are aesthetic reasons – the center of the face is too prominent. We asked what operating methods are there and what you have to consider. Plus: It is not always necessary to go under the knife. Everything about the scalpel-free alternative.
Chronic respiratory tract infections, a limited sense of smell, a nasal pronunciation or snoring. Many people are struggling with these symptoms and, sooner or later, they end up at the ENT doctor: "Sometimes it's simply a severe allergy that seals the airways," Dr. Redtenbacher, ENT specialist in Vienna (hno-redtenbacher.at). "Then we send the patients to an allergy center, but in most cases there is a distortion of the nasal septum, in which case surgery makes sense," says the doctor, who regularly performs nasal surgery. Nasal corrections are among the five most common procedures in the field of plastic surgery. In Dr. Umschadens private practice (umschaden.com) in Styria, for example, they are an integral part of the daily business: "The problem with which people come is rarely a purely aesthetic. At least 80 to 90 percent of my patients suffer from respiratory problems," notes the Plastic surgeon clear. The reason is almost always a crooked nasal septum. It can be innate or it has bent through an accident. "It's enough if you hit a ball on the nose, the curve is often creeping, the cartilage grows over time, until you eventually get bad breath," explains the expert.
Beauty Ideal
Only about every tenth nose operation has purely aesthetic reasons. Patients who feel uncomfortable with their center of the face complain of bumps, obliquity or too wide noses. "More and more people come to my office with Instagram imagery and want a very specific nose like that of Kim Kardashian," says Dr. Redtenbacher. "Of course that's impossible, I can only work with the material that's there, and I'll clarify that during the consultation so that the expectations remain realistic." Using a computer simulation, patients get an idea of ​​what the nose will look like after an operation.
Process & Costs
How does such an operation now proceed? After the consultation, the patient is sanitary checked, only then there is the release for surgery. Depending on how much is changed, an intervention takes between one and three hours. Meanwhile, the patient is under general anesthesia. "At least two nights hospitalization are essential for the healing process," Dr. Umschaden. "Swelling and bruising can be prevented well by moving as little as possible, and the upper body must remain upright, not even tying shoes is allowed." This will be followed by two weeks sick leave. During this time, the nose is often supported with plaster or a rail. In addition, there is a four to six week ban on sports and spectacles to avoid shock and pressure. Then you are fully operational again. An operation including care costs at least 5,000 euros. For medical indication, the health insurance takes a large part, purely aesthetic interventions you have to pay from your own pocket.
In essence, there are two ways to straighten a nose: closed and open access. In the former, the cuts are made on the inside of the nose. The advantage of this method: no visible scars. When open, the doctor makes a small incision (about 5 mm) at the bridge of the nose. Dr. Redtenbacher specializes in this technique: "The advantage is that you can lift the skin and thus have an optimal overview.You can measure everything accurately, the result is more precise.After ten days, the sutures are removed, two months later Scar barely visible. "
Knife-free alternative
Method. When it comes to a purely visual change, one does not necessarily have to operate. During the minimally invasive procedure hyaluronic acid is injected with the filler. "This procedure makes sense for smaller cosmetic corrections," explains plastic surgeon Dr. med. Shirin Milani (medspa.cc). "With Filler you can model your nose properly, compensate for bumps or fill in gaps in your noses." Often only a few punctures are needed for a nice result.
Process & Costs. A treatment takes about ten minutes, it costs about € 450, -. The effect is temporary: Within six to twelve months, the substance breaks down again, then the procedure must be repeated.