1/3 of all vegetarians eat drunk meat

1/3 of all vegetarians eat drunk meat

It smells delicious, so forbidden and greasy: a Dцnerstandl one smells already in the distance, above all, if one is drunk. And let's be honest, then such delicacies also taste best. So, burgers, fries, chicken wings, pizza pieces and just kebab are…

Pregnancy: What else is allowed for a woman?

Pregnancy: What else is allowed for a woman?

Now the stork has finally bitten, helped the sugar on the windowsill and the longed-for two Stricherl on the test strip confirmed by the doctor. Woman (and man) were allowed to admire the most beautiful fruit cave on the screen of the…

These 4 foods provide beautiful skin

These 4 foods provide beautiful skin

You should already know that your skin will be brighter, brighter and cleaner if you drink at least two liters of water a day and flush out pollutants. And that fat or too sweet food promotes pimples, you've heard that several times….

What the urine tells about your health

What the urine tells about your health

Did you know how often a person has to go to the toilet to urinate? Up to eight times a day. Healthy urine does not smell (except, of course, you ate asparagus), is clear as water (after all, he is 95% of…

Fatigue: causes

Fatigue: causes

The alarm rings again, and after the third time snoozing you finally give in. Tiny eyes, barely opening, look for the light switch in the darkness. And even if it gets a little better in the course of the day, you have…

This happens when you eat 3 dates a day

This happens when you eat 3 dates a day

There are people who hate dates and there are people who love dates. The latter are lucky, because these little brown things are real nutrient bombs. Not for nothing they are called "bread of the desert". Already 7000 BC Chr., People in…

Symptoms: cold or flu?

Symptoms: cold or flu?

Actually, we are all somehow experts when it comes to the topic of cold, because caught on average twice a year and such. And yet there is conceptual confusion when it comes to colds and flu. In colloquial terms we do not…

Not enough drunk? That's what you do to your body

Not enough drunk? That's what you do to your body

Two liters of water a day, that's the minimum. Recommends the World Health Organization WHO . But at least of us create this drinking stint. And if so, is it really worth it to run to the bathroom every half hour? Absolute….

Do I suffer from intolerance? The symptoms

Do I suffer from intolerance? The symptoms

symptoms lactose: If the enzyme lactase is missing or if there is too little of it, the intestine can not break down milk sugar from cow's milk. Indigestion: cramps, bloating, nausea, diarrhea are the result, but also tiredness and rashes. fructose: If…