Hot breakfast is healthy!

Hot breakfast is healthy!

Soul Cooking Philosophy One of the main pillars of the Soul Cooking philosophy is the hot breakfast. But for many people, having a hot breakfast is no more than an occasional soft egg or egg dish, which is why we asked nutrition…

Why you win when you eat too fast

Why you win when you eat too fast

Are you slipping your lunch in front of the computer as well? And your dinner is quickly plastered while standing in the kitchen? Is not foreign to us. Unfortunately, this fast food increases the likelihood that you eat too much. Those who…

Carbohydrates make you slim! High-carb diet

Carbohydrates make you slim! High-carb diet

Everywhere one hears and reads about low carb to lose excess kilos. But that is finally over! The high-carb method of Dr. med. John McDougall uses healthy carbohydrates to lose weight. For years, his method has been researched, medically tested and now…

Can you eat more – and lose weight?

Can you eat more – and lose weight?

We are not made for diets. Weighing everything, counting calories, cooking differently and shopping for complicated ingredients: let's hate even more. To renounce pleasure: Let's hate even more. Therefore, we are still looking for a method with which we can lose weight…

Olive oil helps with weight loss

Olive oil helps with weight loss

Tonight 's with me Greek salad. And tommorow too. Maybe the day after tomorrow. Fix is: Olive oil must now be pure in everything that I cook. For a new study by the University of Navarre shows: Frequent consumption of olive oil…

Healthy Diet: The Best Tips

Healthy Diet: The Best Tips

Full grain. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, it stimulates digestion and gets your metabolism going. It also makes you feel sick longer than white flour. Drink. At least 1.5-2 liters per day should be. The best are water and unsweetened herbal…