Autumn time is flu time

Autumn time is flu time

Runny nose, cough, hoarseness, throat and limb pain – many are currently struggling with these little aches and pains and everything is guilty: autumn! The only way to avoid a flu infection is to strengthen your immune system. If it has caught…

Bodyform turns the menstrual lie into a youtube sensation

Bodyform turns the menstrual lie into a youtube sensation

Almost 3 million clicks can be seen in the YouTube video by the hygiene company Bodyform, which comments with wit and irony on why banners and tampons advertisements are set on distorted reality. What's behind the video? The menstrual lie On October…

This happens when you stop eating sugar

This happens when you stop eating sugar

In the morning you drink a green smoothie and oatmeal, at noon it may be a light salad. Healthy eating? Nobody has to tell you something. Now you are ready for the ultimate challenge! Forgoing the spoon of sugar in the coffee…

The concept of beauty

The concept of beauty

Since time immemorial beauty is an issue for us. Even in ancient Egypt, pigmentation was counteracted with a fenugreek ointment. Even the blackening of eyelashes and eyebrows with coal was self-evident. And the Greek Hippocrates already mixed tinctures against wrinkles. Awareness of…

Our gut produces beauty products

Our gut produces beauty products

He is increasingly becoming a superstar: the gut. Ongoing research confirms the importance of balanced microbial colonization of our largest organ for overall health. The "good" bacteria such as Bacteroides, lactic acid bacteria or Bifidokeime should not be from the "bad", z….

Hay fever or cold: the differences

Hay fever or cold: the differences

Already in the spring the first complaints appear. First, flower pollen from trees are the cause, then the grasses, cereals and herbs. The allergic reaction is triggered by pollen proteins. This form of reaction falls into the upper category of allergic rhinitis….

Why you should clean your toothbrush differently

Why you should clean your toothbrush differently

What are you doing with your toothbrush? That's right: Brush the bacteria from the biter. Still, most of us do not really cleanse them thoroughly. Mys included. After brushing, I hold the brush head of my electric toothbrush briefly under the water,…

9 herbal soup for detoxification

9 herbal soup for detoxification

Did you know that the Celts and Germans from 9 herbs have already prepared a soup that they always ate in spring? After a long, cold winter, that was the best way to get the body back on track. We'll show you…

The best meditation apps for beginners

The best meditation apps for beginners

We are the first to admit that sometimes life can be quite stressful. We are constantly connected to our devices (sometimes even several at the same time) and in non-stop-go mode. Since it is quite difficult to find the inner balance and…

Info: Lip injections

Info: Lip injections

You do not talk about it, but: Do you also find your lips too narrow? Or a little too wrinkled? A little more volume, a little more sulking at the mouth, that would be something. You do not stand alone with this…