Always a cold nose? What this may indicate …

Always a cold nose? What this may indicate …

Of course, after a winter walk, your nose tip will be pretty frozen. But if you keep having a cold nose, even though the temperatures are not below freezing, then that can mean something else: You're under revision. A cold nose: Indicates…

Heart Muscle Inflammation: Symptoms & Treatment

Heart Muscle Inflammation: Symptoms & Treatment

With a heart muscle inflammation is not to be joked. Although the disease often goes unnoticed, it is often found in the autopsy of people with unexplained causes of death. No one knows exactly how often myocarditis actually occurs. The unknown number…

Strong flatulence: That helps quickly

Strong flatulence: That helps quickly

It is so incredibly uncomfortable. Anyway, as a woman, you feel extremely uncomfortable during menstruation anyway – and then this feeling is exacerbated by bloating. The belly is bloated and hard, hurts and always run away (unfortunately little fragrant) gases. Speib. Menstruation…

The 3-minute anti-stress breathing exercise

The 3-minute anti-stress breathing exercise

If you roll in the corner right now and put your hands on your ears, how would your colleagues react? Of course not. Although you feel like it. The stress is overwhelming, the deep dark spiral of thoughts pulls you down further…

How do you protect yourself against foot and nail fungus?

How do you protect yourself against foot and nail fungus?

If the athlete's foot has caught one, you can observe the following symptoms: The feet, and especially the toe gaps, itch and the dry skin flakes. In the later course of the infection, blisters and cracks can occur, even a bacterial superinfection…

6 reasons why magnesium is a small miracle cure

6 reasons why magnesium is a small miracle cure

Magnesium is an essential mineral responsible for energy metabolism, DNA replication, protein synthesis and detoxification of the body. Once the magnesium level is out of balance, the body can not work as efficiently as usual. So it is all the more problematic…

Protects coffee from arterial blockage?

Protects coffee from arterial blockage?

There is hardly a topic that has been researched and discussed so much as the consumption of coffee and its effects on our health. A recent South Korean study, published in "Heart," has now shown that starting with a certain amount of…