The best remedy for lower back pain

The best remedy for lower back pain

Every third Austrian suffers from back pain. The particularly intense pain in the lower back, however, mainly affects women. In fact, due to the physiological differences between women and men, the stronger back pain in the lumbar spine is also due to…

Stress let up! Relax tips in everyday life

Stress let up! Relax tips in everyday life

Stress has become a constant companion for many of us. Above all, because the triggers for stress are very diverse. The three main reasons why stress arises are permanent lack of time, overburdening at work and everyday life or difficulties in interpersonal…

5 reasons why boredom is good

5 reasons why boredom is good

Of course, the smartphone makes our lives easier, information more accessible – just a little more stressful. Why should we just go for a walk, ride a subway or sit around in a cafй if we can tweet, facebooken or pinterest instead?…

Migraine: what helps!

Migraine: what helps!

The head beats like crazy, often only on one side. Light and noise are almost unbearable, this is often nausea to vomiting. A good ten percent of all Austrians, predominantly women, suffer from migraine attacks. Some sufferers have them several times a…

Sorbitol intolerance – All information

Sorbitol intolerance – All information

In the case of sorbitol intolerance or sorbitol tolerance, those affected usually experience symptoms such as flatulence or diarrhea. The sorbitol (= E 420) or sorbitol can be used only partially or not at all in the small intestine. In addition, sorbitol…

Short meditation: exercises

Short meditation: exercises

Meditation can save lives. You think that sounds very exaggerated? Then talk to somebody who meditates regularly – and gets happier and healthier. Because whether classic and quiet lotus position or moves, z. As in yoga: The peace and inner clarity that…

Home remedies for flatulence

Home remedies for flatulence

No, that's logical. We women do not fart. Please let us officially pass this version of the story. But quite entre nous: Of course we also fart. Is a normal digestion process, unfortunately. Every digestion produces gases in our colon. The –…

5 reasons for lemon water in the morning

5 reasons for lemon water in the morning

Morgenstund not only has gold in the mouth, but also decides significantly how we spend the rest of the day. Therefore you should definitely integrate a morning ritual into your life: Drink the juice of half a lemon with a glass of…

What makes an hour more sleep

What makes an hour more sleep

Now that the days are getting shorter and we get less sun and light, many of us would like to hibernate. Unlike some representatives of the animal world, however, this is not granted to us. But just as many of us do…

Eat yourself nice! The beauty vitamins

Eat yourself nice! The beauty vitamins

With a healthy and balanced diet, we can provide our body with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. But who can manage to eat the daily five to eight portions of fruit and vegetables? The market for dietary supplements is…